Dark Magic Powers That Have Helped to Spread Fear and Terror
The world of magic is filled with many different spells both of white magic and that of dark magic. The magic by itself is not that dangerous… Continue reading
Question by Silly Goose: What does the devil’s card mean in a tarot spread?
if i keep getting it
Best answer:
Answer by ??????? ?Ch®ïS? ???????
Perhaps the most misunderstood card of all the major arcana, the Devil is… Continue reading
Question by Girly McRadical: Is there a website where I can input the Tarot cards that came up in a spread and tell me the interpretation?
I’ve been studying the tarot off and on for a… Continue reading
Question by scarlet: Tarot card spread for someone who has died?
Im trying to focus on a friend of mine who has recently passed away, i just want to know if he is in a safe place… Continue reading