There is No Magic to Building a Successful Affiliate Business Online, STOP Daydreaming!
If you are one of those who have been searching for the magic potion or hidden secret that will turn you and your internet affiliate… Continue reading
White Magic Spells – Successful Magic and Belief
Some people cannot find it within themselves to believe in the effectiveness of white magic spells. They don’t understand how they work. Rather than learning proper techniques to achieve… Continue reading
Successful Branding For SMEs
Branding (from Teutonic brinnan, to burn), was first a mode of punishment using a hot iron to scar the body so that criminals could be recognized. It became a method of marking ownership… Continue reading
Question by sailormandave: What moments in christian history were most influential in making it a successful religion.?
Other than Christ and his immediate followers.
3 that stick out to me:
Constantine making it the official religion of the roman… Continue reading