Question by Marena: [Tarot Card] Spread: The Tower, The Emperor, The Eight of Swords?
I asked a question pertaining to a guy that I had very strong feelings for, but we had a major falling out and… Continue reading
Question by Chris: in world of warcraft can shamans train swords?
in world of warcraft can shamans train swords?
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Answer by Connor
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Question by Anonymous2009: Tarot Card meaning for ten of swords reversed.?
I recently did a one card tarot spread on a relationship and the ten of swords came up as the answer card and it was… Continue reading
Energy Enhancement the Tarot Princess of Swords And Advanced Techniques Of Meditation
Originally, the Tarot Cards came from Alchemical Sufi sources and the Sufi Alchemical Meditations based on the correct working of the energies of the Universe… Continue reading