Vedic Numerology Iv
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 4
Vedic Numerology, the perfect synthesis between Astrology and Numerology
deals with the correspondence between the nine revolving heavens & the nine
numbers. It also deals with… Continue reading
Vedic Numerology Viii
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 8
In higher states of Consciousness, many scientific and philosophic truths
were cognised by the sages of India. They wrote it down and these came
to be… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xxi
Vedic Astrology Lesson 21
After Einsteins’s Theory of Relativity, man’s obsession with Partial Philosophy turned to Holistic Philosophy. The Whole,after all, is more important & greater than the sum of its parts! Aren’t we… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 12
Mathematics gave birth to the Law of Probability. When this Law based on astronomical facts & figures is applied , it becomes the Wisdom of the Heavens, Astrology. Rightly it… Continue reading