Vedic Astrology Vii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 7
Scientia intuitiva est scientia prima – The first science was intuitively inspired.
“The aim of scientia intuitiva”, said Spinoza,” is to find behind things and events Laws and… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xxii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 22
When I went to Google and searched New Age, 5 million sites opened up.
When I typed Pagan and searched, out came one million pagan sites!
You can… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Vi
Vedic Astrology Lesson 6
In higher states of Consciousness, many philosophic verities were cognised by the Sages which gave birth to the sciences called Astrology, Numerology,Yoga & Vedanta. All sciences study Being. Physics… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Viii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 8
That which is luminous is Jyothih and Jyotish is the science of the luminaries. It is defined as a lamp in darkness. The astrologer was called by the Vedists… Continue reading