Vedic Astrology X
Vedic Astrology Lesson 10
“Oriente Lux Occidente Lex ” ( Out of the East Light, out of the West
Laws ) – thus proclaimed the Latin scholars. The Orient became
synonymous with… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xv
Vedic Astrology Lesson 15
The twelve dimensions of life are represented by the twelve houses of the Zodiac.
The rising Sign at the Eastern Horizon is known as the Ascendant and is the… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xvi
Vedic Astrology Lesson 16
Regarding the Second House
The second house is the significator of wealth and speech. Domestic happiness is also its signification.
If the second house is a benefic sign… Continue reading
Vedic Astrology Xvii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 17
Regarding the Third House
The third house is the eighth from the eighth. Since the Eighth house represents death, the eighth from the eighth ( the Third House )… Continue reading