Vedic Numerology Viii
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 8
In higher states of Consciousness, many scientific and philosophic truths
were cognised by the sages of India. They wrote it down and these came
to be… Continue reading
Sandra Cecília, taróloga, fala sobre a lâmina do Tarot , a justiça, significado adivinhatório, mental e espiritual.
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Mesa redonda de Tarot, por ocasião do XVII Encontro da Nova Consciência, em Campina Grande, Paraíba. Fala de… Continue reading
Question by Desk: What is the tarot card that has a VIII on it, with elaborate crossed ‘C’s? It also has birds on it. Meanings?
In the middle of the crossed C-looking shapes, there is a star-type thing in… Continue reading