Question by Daniel Dawning: Male Pagans, have you ever gone to a public ritual that was completely Goddess oriented and were uncomfortable?
and Female Pagans, have you ever been to a public ritual dedicated completely to… Continue reading
Question by LisaLisa: If you were given a magic seed at birth … and?
in order for that seed to grow into a full grown tree, at the rate of one 1″ per sexual thought, during the course of… Continue reading
Question by The Reverend C: A question for Christians. If you’re child’s best freind were wiccan or pagan and your child wanted to attend
ceromonies, rituals, help cast spels, etc. Would it be okay with you? What if he… Continue reading
Question by sailormandave: What moments in christian history were most influential in making it a successful religion.?
Other than Christ and his immediate followers.
3 that stick out to me:
Constantine making it the official religion of the roman… Continue reading