SLOT’s debut English EP “Mirrors” on iTunes here: bit.ly This is a literal translation of Slot’s 2009 song “Voodoo Doll” (????? ????). The video footage was created by Korey Regan and used with her express written consent. As always: English Language Translation Copyright © 2009 – M. Travis Leake
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@OnPointAndOnTheGrind Dude like I said in my earlier comments, forensic scientists wouldve put the pieces together & FBI wouldve burned that ugly ass portrait picture of those voodoo dolls.
@1990babyface good point!
@UFCfanboy7898 when they found his body the next morning, i know for a fact people stayed away from that house after seein what those dolls done to him. i can only imagine what his body looked like or maybe there wasnt anything left but flesh and bones? ewwww it still didnt look too pretty! but after seein and hearing the story, if people was smart, they stay the fuck away from there. i know i would have!
@UFCfanboy7898 yea, this shit fucked with me too
LMAO @ Little niggar balls… YOU RACIST FUCK,lol. I love it though
WTF? this is funny as hell . how do ya’ll not see the humor in this? this story is hilarious lmao. “nigglets”
@UFCfanboy7898 you and I share something in common.
@krystalxlyte what about Michael Richards
I don’t remember Lil’ Penny being so evil.
This fucking story always terrified me when i was little and still does. Oh yah and i love how he has anger management at 4:08
@sumoni It’s stupid!
i watched this when i was 6….and ive always been terrified of dolls because of this story
Holy crap i would of shit my panths man!!!!
@sumoni lol music is classic
oh i would be pissed
“Not even some voodoo b**ch negra spell can overcome the power of a double barrell SHOTGUN!!!!” LMAO
i don’t care how many slaves died here!!!…i did’nt kill em………(ur an ex clansman dumbass!!!!)
I didn’t know the Picture could bleed when Duke attacks it.
@dmoney20062k6 hahahaha
That doll is horribly terrifying. I remember watching this when I was younger & I literally dreamed about it every night O__O i was SO scared .
I love this music.
@1990babyface Haha, well usually when a horror movie involves magic, it isn’t suppose to make sense. You might as well contemplate why the doll even moves in the first place, lol.