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present and future ) is decreed by Yoga

Astro-Therapy used in Vedic Astrology is essentially Tantric. The images of the planetary energies are propitiated on the days assigned to them. We find that Thursday is ruled by Thor or Jupiter; Saturday by Saturn, Sunday by the Sun etc. If Saturn is the tormentor, Astro Therapy is prescribed for Saturn and remedial measures are prescribed to be done on Saturdays !

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Tantra, Mantra & Yantra

A mantra is defined as that which saves the chanter and that which floats in the mind. The aspirant who chants the mantra is freed from the problems which vex him. The mind moves aw ay from the problem areas and he feels contented and whole. This is the psychological basis of Mantra Yoga. A mantra inscribed on a silver or gold plate is called a talisman or Yantra. It is duly energised by one who is well versed in Tantra by means of Puja ( worship of Deity ). This worship may take 10 to 41 days, depending on the Tantrik expert. Yantras are diagramatic patterns about Manifestation. The Central Dot or the Bindu represents the Absoulte Self and the geometrical figures are Its different levels of manifestation. The circles, the triangles, the rectangles and the lotuses seen in the Yantra represent the energy vortexes in the human body. The Five Great Elements, the seven states of Consciousness, the six Chakras plus the Crown Chakra , all these are symbolised as mathematical figures in the Yantra. The Central Dot is the Self, from which everything emanates !

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