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the surface of life to the One Central Light, the Self ! Veda – Tantra – Veda – This is the equation. The first Veda refers to book knowledge or knowledge acquired from books. Tantra refers to practical knowlege, how to attain to Transcendence. The third refers to Experiential Knowledge which is the state of the Self. The physical, mental and spiritual levels are all sustained by the One Universal Life. That is why it is called as a Universe. Otherwise it will be called as a Multiverse ! That therapy using Prana is called Pranic Therapy. It is more or less Auric Healing. The disease affected parts of the body will be shown as black spots in Kirlian Photography. What the therapist does is to empower the patient with Prana, which is stored by him as a result of continous mediatation and the dark spots will move away.

More information about Pranic Therapy can be had from

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent Part IV

Self Actualisation is the Goal

Immortality or Self-Actualisation, which is the Ultimate aim of Tantra, is achieved by the aspirant due to Tantric sadhanas. He will not fall into the trap of selfish temptations He will exhibit divine Love, patience and fortitude, the qualities of a perfected Initiate. He will not use his siddhis for selfish ends. He will be ready to redeem the world from its vices and will be Saviour of all mankind

Lo ! steadfast a lamp burns sheltered by the wind

Such is the likeness of the Yogi’s mind

Freed from sense-storms and burning bright to Heaven

When mind broods placid, soothed with holy wont,

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