world that may be more truly described as Tantric. Thus, we hope to strike a balance between the rigorous and uncompromising view of the many modern scholars and traditionalists who dismiss ”New Age” Tantrism with scorn, and popularizers, who preach the gospel of Tantric Sex, yet have virtually no familiarity with its history and, moreover, have not been initiated into a traditional lineage.
It may be clear by now that Tantra is a confusing and even paradoxical subject, and with that in mind, we offer the following, in hopes that it will give you some new ways of thinking about the meaning of the word Tantra.
Tantra is an ancient tradition that recognizes sexual energy as a source of personal and spiritual empowerment. This sets it apart from most Western traditions and helps explain why most Westerners have reduced it to its sexual elements alone.
Tantra is the magic of transforming one’s consciousness and thereby transforming one’s entire being. Your body is the most powerful tool for bringing about this transformation.
Tantra is a spiritual science. Tantric techniques have been tested and have proven effective for many centuries. If you practice diligently, you will experience results.
Tantra can be quite simple. Everyone has had Tantric experiences; it is not always so simple to notice them.
Tantra can be embraced in whole or in part. A few simple practices can often produce profound results.
Tantra is goalless, unless exploring and expanding consciousness can be called a goal. Goal orientation is one of the biggest obstacles faced by the aspiring Tantrika; abandoning specific goals and focusing on what you are doing