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Question by TraditionalValuesStrongWorkEthic: Tantric Dakini Oracle Tarot deck vs Rider-Waite deck?
Each of the 64 cards in the Tantric Dakini Oracle corresponds with the Rider-Waite deck.

Is there an online source ?

Thank you
I have the Rider-Waite deck.

Is there an online source that shows the cards side by side,showing how each card in the decks compare to each other? A chart?


Rider Waite: Wheel of Fortune

Tantric Dakini Oracle: Wheel of Great Time

I appreciate the helpful answers and hope that someone can elaborate?

Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by ?
Use either one. I prefer the Rider-Waite deck.

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2 Responses to Tantric Dakini Oracle Tarot deck vs Rider-Waite deck?

  • Auntie·Christ {instainly arcane} says:

    Aeclectic has a good review of both decks with a few decent images:

    Personally, I would go with whichever one feels right to you. That is all that matters. I would gravitate towards the Tantric, simply because it’s a deck that I am not as familiar with, unlike the Rider-Waite, and the imagery is unusual and compelling in comparison to other decks I’ve used.

  • Infin8ly says:

    A traditional tarot deck like Rider-Waite has 78 cards. So while I’m not familiar with the Tantric Dakini Oracle deck – seems as though something must be “missing”. They may have drawn inspiration from traditional tarot – but cannot have included the entire deck.

    This is only a problem for someone like me – who is so used to reading with the traditional deck that I would be lost using something like angel cards or oracle decks – which often do not have the full 78 cards. However – the readers I know that use those decks feel very comfortable with them, and definately feel they are complete.

    If you are wanting to learn traditional – I’d say go with the Rider-Waite – since most sources of learning (books, websites, etc.) use this deck as their basis – so it’s easier to stick to that – not because it’s better – but because it’s “traditional”.

    If you are using your own intuition – and not interested in traditional interpretation – go with your own gut instinct and use whatever deck speaks to you. I’ve even seen people pull cards they like from DIFFERENT decks – to create a deck uniquely their own.


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