Question by conrad: tarot card?
how can i learn tarot card in just a week or maybe 2?i want to learn it..and also,how to spread the tarot card to read it for other person?help me..
Best answer:
Answer by Dashes
It’s simple Have someone pick a dozen cards at random and just make sh!t up to go along with every one they turn over
Easy money.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
any deck you buy has an interpretation guide. I learned all the spreads and meaning to all 78 cards in less than a week. Barnes and Nobles has some really good decks.
Why are you so desperate to learn this in a week? I’ve been reading tarot for almost 5 years now and don’t feel it is something to be rushed. The cards you choose are a personal thing and you need to get to know them so you will always get the best reading you can. This cannot be achieved in a week. The reading you will get may not be as acurate as it could be.
Also, if you are wanting this for yourself, it can be difficult doing your own readings. The reason for this is that you interepret the reading to suit our purpose. It is difficult to see beyond your own purpose and see the truth.
I think you need to think why you need to learn this so quickly.
I am sorry to put a damper on your question, but in my opinion nobody can simply learn how to read Tarot in a week or a month for that matter..
It is not just a matter of learning about the different spreads, it is a matter of “tuning” into the cards, and therefore annalising the way in which the cards are spread and then determining an answer from the universe…
Any person who teaches Tarot will not be able to accomplish this in a weekend workshop, not unless they are just after your money, then you walk away with a small amount of knowledge, which is dangerous, in my opinion..
If you wish to really learn the Tarot, I suggest you buy a deck that suits your personality, as there are literally hundreds to choose from, the cards will choose you…
There is usually a book to accompany the cards, and I don’t mean the little booklet inside, I am talking a 300-400 page book on your chosen Tarot..
Then you tune in, read, spread, over and over for as long as it takes for you to become attuned to your cards and understand and respect every card in your chosen pack..
The cards don’t lie, only the pathetic, poor excuses of people reading them for a fast dollar, who care not whether the reading is correct or not…
Please don’t fall into this catagory, as you will pay karma for deception, as for that, I am sure..
I used to read Tarot, but I have had a breakdown and am no longer confident in my readings, so I only read for myself, which is taboo to some…
Blessed Be… )O(
No body can learn any form of occult or witchcraft in a short space of time. It’s something that you simply must be patient with. If you rush it, you will find it either does not work, or worse, backfires.
Great fire starters
A good way is to get a book (from the library or bookstore) that will help a lot..
and practice while you are reading. =)
I learned a lot about palm reading from a book.
as one person said, if you buy a deck, they usually come with a guide book on spreads and how to read the cards, if not, the book store should have a book called “Tarot Bible” by Sarah Bartlett, it helped with me and I only used Tarot once. I was able to predict something before it happened and the results were very good.
its not something you can truly learn, when you buy your deck get a book on the subject but you have to have the natural abilities to get it and it work. I have tried tarrot and i might as well be playing rummy. If you dont pick up on it easily then you may try runes instead
i have been reading rines for years and they came instantly and naturally and I have never had a bad reading. its just whatever your natural abilities are.
Nope sorry. I have been working on it for 3 years and I just got the hang of it last year. I takes a while to get used to it and to become a fluent reader. Just be patient and have fun with it, because it takes 2 years at the least to get it down completly
If you have a good memory, you can remember all the book meanings to each card in a week. But putting the cards and their meanings from a spread takes a bit more practice and getting used to, that takes longer than a week.
I believe that learning tarot is a never-ending lesson. One learns from the booklet that came with the deck, but then there are other books as well, and everyone has something different to offer. There are many ways to use the cards as well, different types of ways to read, Gestalt would be one example. There is always something new to be discovered in the cards. Each card, every time you see them will have something different to say.
Let me say first that I believe learning the Tarot is a life long journey.
You can learn to spark your intuition and meanings for cards by learning a SINGLE keyword for each card. You will need to spend time reading about the meaning for a card, define your keyword, and then go through the deck like flash cards until you can say the keyword for each of the 78 cards.
Then use that keyword to spark the meaning when your doing your reading. Also keep your book handy.
I think that this can be done in a week or 2, however you won’t have the depth of meaning that someone who has studied will have. It can be fun, and helpful, remember to look at the image for discussion while your doing the reading as well.