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by ukslim

Tarot Card Definitions: What Do Cups Mean?

The Tarot is an ancient technique used over the centuries, and to this day, by fortune-tellers and psychics. However, although Tarot card definitions may vary from culture to culture, or from one Tarot card user to another, in essence, it is the same. Simply defined, the Tarot is the timeless tool of divination that involves a deck of cards, to gain insight into crucial aspects of one’s day-to-day problems, to provide solutions and, in most cases, to predict the future, too. Understanding the definition of Tarot cards is simple, if you learn about the Major and Minor Arcanas that are integral to the success of a Tarot card reading.

The standard deck of Tarot cards has 78 cards – 22 cards devoted to the Major Arcana and 56 to the Minor Arcana. While cards that are in the Major Arcana are considered more critical in one’s life, as they are used to predict major events, cards in the Minor Arcana are used to address everyday problems, offer advice and enable people to learn more about themselves. Tarot card definitions can be further explained by the interpretations of the illustrations and symbols printed on each card. The cards in the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits, comprising 14 cards each. The four suits carry symbols that represent the four elements of nature – air, water, fire and earth. These symbols are graphically displayed as cups, pentacles, swords and wands and their meanings can give you a clearer understanding of the definition of Tarot cards.

What do the ‘cups’ of the Minor Arcana mean in a Tarot card reading? The “cups”‘ is one of the four suits in the Minor Arcana and signifies water. This suit can also explain the Tarot card definitions. The meanings of the cups reflect love,

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