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Question by elizabeth nguyen: Tarot card meanings? Ten points?
What are the meanings of these tarot cards to the question I asked (10 points)?
I promise you the ten points to a answer that can clarify these cards for me, it doesn’t have to be a long essay– it can be brief, i’ll accept anything.

My question was, “Will I ever get back with my ex?”
And the three cards I selected were :
1. The fool in the “Love & me” position
2. The lovers in the “situation” position
3. Judgement in the “challenges” position

Also a simple yes/no to that question would be nice too…

Best answer:

Answer by bobanalyst
For fun.

Give your answer to this question below!

4 Responses to Tarot card meanings? Ten points?

  • Lion Sack says:

    Many becomes two: two one: one Naught. What
    comes to Naught?
    What! shall the Adept give up his hermit life, and
    go eating and drinking and making merry?
    Ay! shall he not do so? he knows that the Many is
    Naught; and having Naught, enjoys that Naught
    even in the enjoyment of the Many.
    For when Naught becomes Absolute Naught, it
    becomes again the Many.
    Any this Many and this Naught are identical; they
    are not correlatives or phases of some one deeper
    Absence-of-Idea; they are not aspects of some
    further Light: they are They!
    Beware, O my brother, lest this chapter deceive

  • Gesonta says:

    That is demonic and of Satan.

  • Eros says:

    Sounds like you’re in or headed for a foolish love affair to me.

  • Lone says:

    I’m sorry to say it, but I’m thinking no. The Fool card reinforces the Judgement card with a meaning of rebirth and new starts. However, with the Lovers card in the situation position I believe that this means that you will find new love and new happiness soon.

    I wish you the best of luck.

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