Question by bubbley face_6492: !!!!!TAROT CARDS!!!!!?
Ok my friend is sleeping over and she brought tarot cards they are kinda old fashioned but still i and she dont kno how to use them and she knos what they mean it is just how to use them because she found their meanings on google but she cant find directions to use them so anyone that knows how to use them can they tell me?
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Answer by Craig
leave it
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Tarot isn’t a game. Reading tarot isn’t something you just do at a slumber party and it certainly doesn’t have a quick how-to guide. Tarot takes focus and discipline or else you’re just messing around. Feel free to have your little party game with them but don’t expect to get any serious knowledge out of it. I’d suggest you just play with a magic 8ball; it’s easier and you’ll probably have more fun with it.
Google is your friend.
It would be good to study the works of Carl Jung. His breakdown of the Human psyche into the 22 archetypes of the major arcana can be quite enlightening. The Tarot is nothing more than a game played with the human mind… but it can be very interesting.
A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. Maybe just play rummy with them for now (minor arcana only).
Children shouldn’t play with things they don’t understand…There is a starter tarot deck that has the info on them, also go to and look for beginners in Tarot, it’s important to learn before you use them but it’s not bad to sit with your friend and read up on one card at a time and learn a little about it.
Tarot cards can’t hurt you, first of all, but you will not get the result you are looking for with someone else cards. it is only when you have a fresh deck and you shuffle over and over with meditation that the cards imprint on your powers and your capabilities to detect messages. every “new” deck has a how to booklet with a short run down of what each card means and the spreads that can be used.
Celtic Cross is the most simple and easiest to get the desired result for the most questions, weather it be a love query or life direction the Celtic Cross has the when, where, and why to all.
1st card center = this is you and best describes what you are and what is important for you to know about yourself right now
2nd card across 1st = what is crossing you in your life right now
3rd is under the 1st = the root of the problem, a person or event, what brought you to this
4th is to the left of 1st = a reminder of a past event that can help you better deal with what is going on now.
5th card above the 1st = what is on your mind or even what needs to be what you are thinking of.
*with these 5 cards the client should realize that these are their cards.. If not, start over, no one should trust a future told if the past and present is not correct.
6th card right to the 1st = a future card mostly unchangeable or takes great effort to change
7th card far right bottom= what you are worried about, mostly connected to real tangible fear
8th card above 7th = direction others have suggested or will say.
9th card above 8th = issue in the future, life lesion or person important in future
10th card above 9th = most important future card and usually ties the others together
Remember that after the spread you can ask question on any of the cards dawn and pull from deck to cross the card you question, many times if makes no immediate answer may tell a time line spring summer fall or winter.
for more information on tarot card reading check out my blog on the subject.
Either go online or buy books on beginning Tarot. New Age bookstores also have classes to learn Tarot with hands on experience.
Remember that without the psychic message, the cards are useless and won’t even be close to being accurate. If you want to do this correctly, begin meditation every day and develop your ability to work with spirit. This is not a game. It can be fun but it’s purpose is for serious spiritual guidance.