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Making your own tarot cards is a great way to gain a deeper connection with the images, and many psychics have their own, personal handmade decks for meditation. Create a deck of personal tarot cards with helpful information from a professional psychic in this free video on paranormal states. Expert: Rima Thundercloud Contact: Bio: Rima Thundercloud has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years. Filmmaker: Chuck Tyler
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to Tarot Cards : How to Make Your Own Tarot Cards

  • buckeykentucky says:

    huh lol

  • Tarockspieler says:

    Tarot was made for card games!

  • MissyWaagen says:

    I got owned by you??? really???

  • GypsyWiccaWytch013 says:

    XDDDDD i read tarot cards and im a cute teenage boy you just got owned

  • AliMay says:

    Btw, a very interesting video. I have seen handmadeTarot cards, and the details never cease to amaze me. Thanks for this : 3

  • AliMay says:

    – Him.*
    Because, if anything it’s good to be grammatically correct : )

  • AliMay says:

    Have you asked him?

  • MissyWaagen says:

    i read tarot cards and im thin and have awesome hair… you got owned:)

  • crystalbeastownage says:

    go die

  • RobinHood1969 says:

    Yes these cards also have a Hebrew connection, so eat that! These are also connected the the Greek gods, so what in the heck? the bible thumper s need to study up on the Stars Astrology= Abraham the name giver
    of the stars, Joseph= interpretation of dreams and writings and the arts!! You guys are stupid and you claim these are evil? You are dumb!! Study up dippys!! We are connected! Go study the Egyptian walls of the stories of wars we still repeat to this day!! WAR WAR! Peace is best!

  • RobinHood1969 says:

    Hay dips we, are almost the same no matter where ya come from, Kings Queens Pawns Prisons!! I really believe this now, at first, I didn’t know what I was doing till I started to conect with My mother that recently passed and my own family!! My brother Murdered my mother for her Money and her belongings! My mother proved to me there is another kingdom!! We are all conected, these tarot cards are also conected to Solomon, the Quaran, Europe, and the repeats of war that we play with each other!ETC

  • CultofAlexander says:

    the bible is bull shit! along with the qur’an and book of mormon and everything spiritual. Atheism is the only logical belief religion is for people who don’t know the 2+2 is 4 because of math and not cause God said so!

  • TheAlmightySchwartz says:

    tarot cards are bullshit…

    i smoke copious amounts of weed and do not even understand this shit. its fake and if you believe in this you should kill yourself.

    plus, the fact that you’re ‘celtic and native american’ does not make you more spiritual

  • jbone488 says:

    why are all tarot reading people fat…why do they always have weird ass hair.. talk weird… weird weird weird.

  • KittensRsoft says:

    I promise God doesn’t mind. Isn’t God the one that judges? He who is without sin may cast the first stone? People that prophesy are probably way closer to God than you’d ever be. Knowing the future is not bad, but informant. We are trying to keep you from making the wrong choices. Those that are weak in faith come to us for guidance. We don’t tell them to break the 10 commandments. He just wants us all safe.

  • KittensRsoft says:

    you’re allowed to have your own opinions but telling people that the thing they believe in are DEMONIC and other all caps words…. will 100% likely do nothing to change their minds. If only you knew Jesus was a Jew and Judaism welcomes things like this… as did Jesus. Jews believe in God just like you, Jesus was a Jew. I’m sure when you die and ask jesus if it’s okay to use these cards for entertainment or whatever, he’d say it’s just fine. He loves you. Don’t worry.

  • ha7337 says:

    bad bad bad verey bad

  • TheRover00 says:


  • nadi4u says:


  • ouuchproductions says:

    Ouiji boards are a welcoming to bad spirits.. not that devils voice. lol

  • ARavenDances says:

    rad. 🙂

  • ARavenDances says:

    When I was little my friend and I broke in to an abandoned house and found and Ouiji board. My mom told me it was like the devils voice or some thing and threw it away. Then I made my own out of a piece of wood and some other random stuff. It’s funny that I just remembered that right now. There was no point to the story, and I defiantly don’t think that it’s the devil’s voice. LOL.

  • Ronin246 says:

    I’m still Subscriding I think it’s cool….. I have Ouija board’s Idontuse them but they are on my wall. lol

  • Idinatan says:

    who cares!! jsut stfu

  • thegirlnextdoor365 says:

    seriously why do people waste their precious time on earth learning how to determin if there is a demon in your house or the sex of your baby with cards that may “predict” wrong WE NEED TO FOCUS OUR LIFES ON GOD!!!! NOT DEMON CARDS!!!!!!

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