Question by Sadhara Satguru: Tarot cards – what drew you to them? No rude answers :)?
I remember my first Tarot experience well
– A friend took out her deck from her bag, we were at work (sciving!) & spiritually I felt a serge of energy & knew that they were going to be a part of my pathway.
Got my first deck the next day – Rider Waites.
Whats you memory?
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Best answer:
Answer by rotorhead
The beautiful and mysterious Gypsy woman who read my fortune, and promptly took me to bed, explaining it was her destiny.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Robbin Wood’s deck was my first and I recieved an ivory carved set of old “healing runes” stones from my mentor before she passed away. Both are well loved and it shows.
Blessed Be.
I had a pack that I picked up somewhere. I had a friend living at my house. The cards said there soon will be something missing from your life. Within the month the cards my friend and several other items were gone never to return.
a friend at college said… hey, i got something for you…
and gave me a box of tarot cards…
and that was it…
I went into a shop because I felt that something was pulling me into there. I picked up my deck the world spirit deck & as soon as I had it in my hand I had a huge orgasim!!! So yea that was the deck for me lol!!!
I worked in a Wiccan (mostly) book/candle/crystal store. We made our own candles (stones, scent, and color focused the intent). The owner (Gemini) read Tarot with a Thoth deck. She decided that all of the employees should be able to read, since people came in for readings at times when she wasn’t in the shop. She taught two classes: one was beginning, using Rider-Waite, the other was advanced, using Thoth. From all the decks that we sold in the shop, I began to see that some were based off Rider-Waite, others off Thoth, and some were non-Tarot divination decks. I much prefer the Rider-Waite style and use the Robin Wood deck most of the time. I find that the pictures are very engaging and “non-threatening” to clients. ( you know the ones,….’the Death card! I’m gonna DIE!! AAAAAAGGHHH!!!!’ lol) I have probably twenty decks of different styles and purposes, but I always return to the Robin Wood deck for my own readings.
P.S. My readings at the shop were always four card, brief readings. The snapshot of what you needed to know. We called it “Two Minute Tarot”…..2 minutes, 2 dollars, 2 bad!
14 years ago I found a shop hidden back in a outdoor shopping “mall” and for some odd reason went straight for the runes. I bought my one and only set but when I turned around I saw the most beautiful deck of Tarot cards and knew as soon as I touched them that they were mine.
They are Tarot of a Moon Garden by Karen Sweikhardt
Ahhh… my first deck of tarot cards…
I saw them, and I had to have them. I was about 14, when I bought them. They brought me so much relaxation. I have a better deck, now, but maybe with my Christmas money, I will buy the Vampire Tarot, or the Thoth Tarot. (The Thoth Tarot was made and designed by Aliester Crowley) I remember one night, I was having a really difficult time falling asleep. It felt like I have heavy burdens on my mind. I had a weird feeling that I should give myself a reading. So I did, and I felt so much better, and I fell right asleep.
I’m going to tell you what a woman in a spirit and occult shop told me about tarot cards:
She told me, If you are giving a reading, and a card falls out of the deck, that card was speaking to you. It was telling you that that was one of the cards that needed to be read. Ever since then, i haven’t forgot it.
It is so nice to know that there are other tarot readers who actually believe in them!!!
My mother was a traveling fortune teller, for a time. She taught me the art. I love the cards because you tell the story they give you. They have been used since the time of the Anciet Egyptians. Reading the cards is a talent that not many people have, and I can’t do it on command.
an old gypsie woman who came up to me and gave me my first deck she said i had the gift and not waist it or something like that it was hard to understand her because she was from italy and had a strong accent.