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Tarot Made Easy

Rating: (out of 52 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 24.00

Price: CDN$ 13.96

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5 Responses to Tarot Made Easy Reviews

  • stacey hayden says:

    Review by stacey hayden for Tarot Made Easy
    If you are just starting out or even a veteran this book can be a valuable part of your reference library. This book is very easy to use and easy to understand. I keep it with The Compass, Tarot Revealed, Tarot Classic, Pictorial Key to the Tarot and Parker’s Astrology. Subject matter is very easy to look up and gets right to the subject matter. But needs to stand with other reference material to cover all the bases. But I highly reccommend this book.

  • Rexenne Reeves says:

    Review by Rexenne Reeves for Tarot Made Easy
    A very interesting and different way of interpreting cards in a spread. Describes how you would read a card if it is in a spread for money, relationships, home life, and a whole lot more. A different meaning for every divinary position. Although this could get a little confusing at first, and hard to understand until you get past the first chapter. It causes one to have to hit the book for every divinary meaning. It’s good to start with, although the basis of Tarot is to use your intuition, not a meaning in a book.

  • Jennifer says:

    Review by Jennifer for Tarot Made Easy
    This is the best book for learning how to read the tarot and it is really good for helping you interpret your own readings. I recommend this for anyone starting out.The guidance that is offered is superior to anything that I’ve seen. Nancy Garen is very insightful and inspirational.

  • aralissia says:

    Review by aralissia for Tarot Made Easy
    I first purchased this book when I was 15 – I am now 23 and I still use it, despite the rips and pages worn by thumbing. This book leads you through the thinking behind tarot cards, the spreads, the impact of numerology of on tarot and other information that is crucial for a newbie. But then comes the beauty of the book. Every tarot card has 32 sections which you can read depending on what your question is. “What does my love life hold for me in the next 3 months?” you ask the cards and instead of reading an interpretation that you have to fit to the question, you just look up “Love” under the card and read. You could also look in the section of “Others” or “Unions”. One of the best features is the “Special Guidance” section, which can give you advice (often spiritual) on how to deal with the future. Even if you don’t believe in tarot, this section has words of wisdom.
    The only way this book could have been made better would have been to add a chapter on the history of tarot cards. I feel this is important information to a newbie, and am confused at the lack of it. Thus the 4 stars. Actually 4 and a half ;).
    If you are new to tarot cards and looking for a great book to help you learn and interpert them look no further. Even if you are an experienced reader I’m sure you will get something out of this book.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot Made Easy
    This is a great book for beginners, or anyone who has had trouble figuring out their tarot readings in the past. It breaks down each and every card with several catagories. For example, for each card you will get a description of what it would mean pertaining to a reading about say for example, love, union, job, home, health, etc. It also explains many things about the tarot, such as how major arcarna cards mean that part of the reading is very important. Also it explains what it means if your reading comes up with many sword cards in it, or many wand cards, etc., or many two’s, or five’s, etc. (when that happens, don’t you always wonder – “hey, what a coincidence!” – Well – this book tells you what it means). It also describes the personalities of the court cards, so if you have the queen of swords or knight of pentacles, it might be about a certain person with certain qualities, or even a certain birthdate. It also helps you to figure out what seasons the cards’ predictions might be talking about. Also – do you ever have a card pop out at you while you are shuffling? This book explains that if that happens, read that card (you sometimes don’t even have to go any further). I always get great info when a card or two pops out at me. But I then still do my full regular reading too. Also – this book talks about pulling a clarifcation card – when you seem a bit puzzled or still have something unanswered. **It’s a very thorough book!** I love it, and find it extremely helpful.When I used this book with my Rider Waite deck, I was able to read that by autumn I would be either engaged or living with my then boyfriend (It was winter when I did the reading). And that September, we moved in togther and got engaged. When I use my Rider Waite deck, or my Morgan Greer deck, and this book, and my intuition, my readings are always so accurate. (Before I look up any info in the book, I always look over my whole spread first and take my own inner voice’s interpretations first and foremost. But the book then helps verify info, or fill in the missing areas where I am not getting anything myself). I light a candle first and hold the cards in my hands. Then go into alpha (calm, meditative brain waves), and start feeling an energy buzz with the cards in my hands. Then I start focusing on my question for the spread. Then I shuffle the cards, and cut the deck into threes with my left hand, and then stack them back up. Then I either spread out the cards like a fan and pick each one as my hand seems to be guided (which is my favorite way to do it). Or after stacking the cut deck, I then take the desired amount of cards right off the top of the deck.

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