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Tarot of the Dream Enchantress Deck

List Price: CDN$ 23.41

Price: CDN$ 24.81

The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]

Rating: (out of 10 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 30.28

Price: CDN$ 18.71

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5 Responses to Tarot of the Dream Enchantress Deck Reviews

  • Patricia Croteau says:

    Review by Patricia Croteau for The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]
    This deck is wonderfully funny and sweet without being cloying. It does a good job of capturing the excitement of small-town Halloween when a child could still accept home-made treats in her goodie bag. And I love the funky black cat who appears in each card, sometimes as a participant, sometimes as an observer. If you liked Nighmare Before Christmas, you’ll probably like this deck.I’m usually not a fan of theme decks, finding that most of them end up in the back of the bookcase after the initial excitement has worn off. West obviously has a pretty good tarot knowledge base as well as her excellent art skills. This deck actually works. Any reader familiar with the Rider-Waite would be able to use this deck with minimal study.

  • Kimberly Wells says:

    Review by Kimberly Wells for The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]
    When you first start reading Tarot, people tell you that eventually you will find “YOUR” deck–the one that suits you perfectly and feels “right.” While I was in, of all places, New Orleans (a favorite city) I found this deck. I adore everything about the deck. Using Hallowe’en symbolism to represent the classic Tarot elements is a work of incredible “rightness.” Even though Kipling West substitutes the “traditional” elements (balls=pumpkins, for example) she still uses appropriately similar Hallowe’en type things that match up with the “archetypes.” Another great thing about this deck is that even though she uses the Halloween symbols, they are very clearly based on the traditional placements & elements from one of the oldest decks ever– the Rider Waite Tarot–the one commissioned by the Society of the Golden Dawn over a hundred years ago. But unlike the Rider Waite– which many people dislike for being bland and boring, the Halloween Tarot is new and interesting. Those of you who started with Rider Waite will find a lot of similarity in the decks, but enough difference to make your second Tarot more “you” and less “everyone else.” One of my favorite things about this deck is a very personal one– the cat on every card, who acts as a sort of guide to the emotion/meaning of that card, looks just like my cat, Tituba. So this deck seems to have been made for me. STILL– even if you aren’t lucky enough to have a curly tailed black cat, if you like colorful, vivid Tarot cards which are a little different from the “new age” style that takes over so many Tarot decks, and if you like a good, bright spread, and if Hallowe’en is one of your favorite holidays, GET THIS DECK. I promise, it will become your favorite too!

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]
    The Halloween Tarot Deck is amazing. I am a huge fan of hallowween and halloween art. The illustrations on the cards are a lot of fun; very whimsicle and cute. The book is well written. It offers full details on the symbology of ecah card along with the divinatory and reverse meanings. The author also goes into the history of halloween and how it is celebrated in different cultures. The author also tries to offer some insight as to how certain images have become associated with halloween like jack o’ lanterns and black cats. Overall, it’s a heck of a lot of fun, but also very educational! Buy it!

  • A. Y. Smittle says:

    Review by A. Y. Smittle for The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]
    I kept blowing this deck off; but then I realized. Tarot. Halloween. Duh. Two favorite things in one, with a “classic” approach. I looked a bit more into this set; everyone all over the Internet has given the Halloween Tarot great reviews. When I saw such things as the Bride of Frankenstein, the Werewolf and a Hearse for the Chariot, I knew I had to have it. If you are interested in Halloween from a “Nightmare before Christmas” point of view, are just learning Tarot and/or prefer a Rider-Waite background, then this deck is for you! The book that comes with it gives a little more details to the cards and a history of Halloween. I was impressed with the History the authors gave us. It sounds like they put some thought into it than just regurgitating stuff outta books. The author and illustrator both love Halloween. I confess I found the cat on every card a bit tedious, but I know I am a bit picky—get it before it goes out of print!

  • Dragon's Lair says:

    Review by Dragon’s Lair for The Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set: 78-Card Deck [With Book]
    There aren’t many Tarot decks that I actually make a permanent part of my deck collection; however, this is one of them. I’ve “passed it by” for the last several years, but decided recently to take a closer look at it. With my sister being a special lover of the Halloween season, I thought it would be ideal to use for her readings – and I was right. Because it is a deck that she closely resonates with, I’ve gotten my most accurate readings with her using this deck.The theme, closely based on the standard Rider-Waite, is quite ingeniously done and is a very light-hearted deck to use, i.e. it doesn’t reflect any “dark” images or interpretations. Instead, author/illustrator Karin Lee draws on an array of Halloween imagery that reminds us of our childhood trick-or-treating, using Pumpkins, Ghosts, Bats and Imps to represent the standard Minor Arcana suits of Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. Lots of creativity is shown in the Major Aracana as well; for example, The Emperor card shows a Boris Karlof-type Frankenstein, with a rendition of the Bride of Frankenstein representing The Empress! This is also an excellent deck to use with anyone who has misconceptions of fears about having a Tarot reading, as it promotes a sense of childlike fun.

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