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I believe I heard this method from Robert M. Place (Google him) I call it the ISIS method (Interactive Story Integrative Spread) It works very well!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


28 Responses to Tarot Reading Technique #1 – ISIS Method

  • khalilahinjapan says:

    @AngeloNasios was how you cut the deck really important to the reading or was that shuffle based on what is most comfortable for you?

  • OrigKaramelkidd says:

    I <3 it!

  • kosmoran says:

    Yep, makes a lot of sense. The Devil card can also be compared to the Hierophant card.

  • ontologica says:

    Isn’t it interesting how much the Devil card resembles the Lovers card. Very much the dark side of Love, obsession, lust, addiction.

  • BuffyDaLipglossEater says:

    I think most people know the truth already, but I agree that it’s sad that they don’t. But on to my point… Most anything can be used for divination, and if someone wants to use cards (whether it’s tarot, playing cards, crystal balls, etc.) then that’s their business. So, I see no point in getting offended by the fact that someone has decided to use them for divination reasons.

  • hnikitop says:

    hi angelo,

    i am involved in a small claims court proceeeding….

    whats in the cards? should i pursue it?

  • LaurenAshleyGlenn says:

    Oh great! Thanks! : )
    Do you do any readings online?

  • AngeloNasios says:

    it is best to read without reversals this way you get a clear picture. But if you want to use them just see how the image changes based on the reversed card. Hope that makes sense

  • LaurenAshleyGlenn says:

    What do you do if you pull any reversals?

  • AngeloNasios says:

    I shuffled and cut the deck into three piles and pulled the top card in each pile.

  • cyndeehere says:

    I would like to know, did you chose a card for the middle, or did you shuffle,think of the question, and then pick the top three cards?

  • tarotwisdom says:

    thank you for sharing your technique. I have used a similar technique at the beginning of a telephone reading when the client wants to see what you have to say before they open up to you. In my technique i used it to tap into the energy around the client and what is happening with them right now i did the same as you drew three cards and read them as a whole and found it very useful and also most times it turned out as pretty accurate.

  • FFLNYC says:

    Your cloth is beautiful! Where did you get it?

  • zagyex says:

    The problem with Tarot for divination is the fact, that it is accepted as a divination tool because its so-told ancient origins and connections with people who built the yramids or wrote the Bible.
    But these connections are a simple lie. If the truth was well-known, that Tarot was created as a card game 500 years ago, it might not be a well running bussines for the occultist industry.
    And there are many people who like the truth, and like the Tarot with its 500 years old history and complexity.

  • Elfdaughter says:

    It’s intuition, basically. That’s the way I read. I find spreads give murky readings for me now in comparison to this technique. I sometimes use more than three cards too, it’s just how many I feel comfortable with.

  • Oreceo says:

    The center card…The main crux of the situation…

  • sailorchibimoon1665 says:

    I am very interested in tarot reading and I learned a new way! Thanks for uploading! =)

  • XXtarotXX says:

    I learned a lot from this vid. THANKS!

  • ayushrt says:

    hey i sent reply in gmail

  • AngeloNasios says:


  • ayushrt says:

    did you get the picture of the cards that i sent?

  • AngeloNasios says:

    In this method the direction is up to you from how u think the cards look. Could u can the cards for me?

  • ayushrt says:

    ya i can connect two cards but i cannot connect all the three cards. and ya it certainly looks like a movie(and does the card always have to go from left to right or can it also go from right to left?).

  • ayushrt says:

    I can see the empress(right) is looking at the king of pentacles(middle) with love and harmony since I assume thats what the empress card is. But now there is the powerful card the lovers on the left. Does it mean the empress and king of pentacles is being united. And also in the lovers the man is on the left and the woman on the right. And also the king of pentacles is left relative to the empress. I am confused.

  • AngeloNasios says:

    Did you give it a try first? They are your cards. Try and see what they are trying to say. Does it look like a movie? Moving from one scene to another or one still image? Are they interacting with other another (facing each other, moving or standing stil) see if you can form somthing first.

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