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Question by wolfs_moon: tarot readings for free but people can leave tips?
does this seem like a good idea? ok i am 12 years old and ive had a tarot deck for over 2 years. im still trying to remember all the meanings but thats because i havent had the time to memrize them. i want to go to this phsycic festival with one of the owners of a shop at the renasaunse festival and do free readings but people can leave tips if they want to. im trying to raise 300 dollars for a new laptop (or more). does that sound sensible to you. i know my age would kinda make it sound silly but i maen would you want to have a tarot reading from a 12 year old? it would be pretty amazing if they got it exactally correct!

Best answer:

Answer by Big Solly Reduxioli AM
Unless you genuinely believe that there is truth in tarot reading, you are morally defrauding people.

Being a minor makes this a question for your parents.

What do you think? Answer below!

4 Responses to tarot readings for free but people can leave tips?

  • Laura says:

    uhm no. I dont believe in tarot readings and I wouldn’t do it becasue of my religion, but if I did, I wouldn’t get it from a 12 year old. It jsut doesn’t make sense. Only do it if you dont have to pay to be in it.

  • Kaldea says:

    If you state up front that it is done for fun it should not be wrong. But remember that they are a tool of guidance, and you should know ahead of time how to read them correctly before even trying. I think the idea of free with a “good grace donation” wouldn’t hurt, and to list why you are doing it wouldn’t hurt either. Still, being so young is not a great idea either. In the Wicca community, children under 18 are not taught without parental consent so I question do your parents know and are they OK with this? Either way, good luck on your venture.

    Blessed Be.

  • Pam R says:


    It is not unusual when people start to have a ‘gift for a gift’ payment scheme in place. Or for a nominal payment to be in place – along with a specific time scale for readings – 15 Min’s for example or even per question etc.

    Good Luck


  • PsiTips says:

    The Indigo Child may see auras as lights or colors around other people. And show an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty. Destined to be one of tomorrows psychics yet often identified or suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD

    If you are an indigo don’t hide in the shadows. Shine your indigo radiance at

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