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Theword shaman originated from a word in Siberia and eventually came to be applied to all medicine men and women of indigenous cultures who’s practice includes the flight of the soul. Anthropologist studying indigenous cultures throughout the world, began to find that for different cultures, there were similarities in the way the medicine men and women worked with healing and connecting to the spiritual aspect of people and the world. While there were differences specific to culture, removing the the cultural reference revealed a core system of practice. The core practices are called core-Shamanism – a phrase coined by Michael Harner. Shamanism is the practice of these core techniques, either for healing or to gain spiritual knowledge. Shamanism is sometime studied with the cultural reference, sometimes without, but the essential nature of the shamanic practice does not change, nor has it changed since ancient times. It has adapted to fit the times or the culture, but its essential core has been the same. Shamanism is not a religion, not unless you want to make it into one. It has been and is being practiced by peoples of many religions, from Christianity, to Judaism, to Hinduism. You will find shamanic practitioners of every faith. So what then is shamanism? It is a direct experience of spiritual knowledge. Because of the direct nature of the work, it tends to facilitate growth in every religious faith. People will share shamanic experiences in groups, but the insight

Ayahuasca Dreams & Shamanism – Terence McKenna: The Last Word. This film is dedicated to the work and play of Terrence McKenna, on the fractal edge of time, 1946 – 2000. For more information on this topic we recommend the film #U670 Shamans of the Amazon – 3 DVD Special Edition now available on DVD at UFOTV, all rights reserved.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

29 Responses to Terence Mckenna: Amazonian shamanism p1

  • snagaragpicruag says:

    este tambien hay que traducirlo !!!

  • xwaystranger says:

    Aware Shamans don’t go public with the Unaware Duality of Politics. And stay Invisible when it comes to Power Plants.

  • VladimirDMT says:

    they dont have to be proven.
    theyre theories

  • princessdingling says:

    Thank you sharing. This world will never see such an extraoridinary human being. You were truely one of a kind Terrence! So many of us miss you deeply.

    Love in peace and light

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