TESTIMONY: Rock, The music of hell
I remember when we made some at the house of one of our “friends”, there we heard “rock” and talked about our future, what would be the following years. Was night and we bought a bottle of wine to “celebrate” that “HAPPY HOUR”. We started to drink and talk on various subjects.
Some have not smoked, or had even experienced some type of drug, but a bad influence for me to experience the times and another one cigarette.
Everything was very normal for us because we were blind and far from a reality conscious. The music of Marilyn Manson was in our lips daily; conseguíamos not free us from dirty, empty life, for more than lutássemos our effort was in vain. Burn several CDs of rock, however, this attitude was useless, because the battle was spiritual and did not know. Right place, my cousin told me he was feeling a great emptiness in his soul, and then we were sinking more and more on alcohol and the rock, seeking a peace that seemed to be running away from us. Those were the worst days of our lives.
To buy a magazine about rock in the section of ads read the following sentence: “IT SEEK TO SATANISTS” It was an ad for a couple looking for musicians to build their band ROCK – “TRASH METAL.” When I read that ad were surprised to hear that someone was able to worship the devil himself. How much spiritual blindness we had in those days! Sometimes was shocked by the translation of music from rock to listen. After those days I started to feel desire for suicide every night, thought that taking my own life I was alone, but it was only a major assault of the devil to destroy my life.
I spent drawing pictures of demons in my room, painted scenes of lesbianism, diabolism. I wrote letters to music with