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content morbid, sad and depressing. Heard voices calling me that I was alone at home or on the streets. Always came to my ears the music of rock we LISTENING Each day that passed I felt more empty inside, and thought only in SUICIDE.

I Burning repeatedly MY CDs OF ROCK , but nothing below; I bought OTHER AGAIN For me these were discs of rock as if it was my food, I felt a junkie, trapped by the rock. In 1997, the singer “Marilyn Manson” has launched a diabolical disc entitled: ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR

** I bought this record , and Listen to the twenty-four hours a day.

THIS DISC CONTAINS LETTERS Satan that despises THE PERSON OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, bringing SPIRITUAL SLAVERY, AND DESTRUCTION TO OUR LIVES Damn. But I was blind, with no affection for those who die on the cross to save us. **

There wasn’t LOVE IN ME, SO MUCH HATE AND WILL DIE FOR. In television, the channel’s “MTV-MUSIC TELEVISION” the day rock and Satanism are propagated freely to children and adolescents worldwide.

Thus the devil wins the minds and hearts of those who are the future of the world. The “MTV” is a station that transmits a philosophy totally against the will of God, destroying morale and spiritually and young children.

Already fully engaged with the rock, looking to form a band to sing with the “friends”, but nothing worked. After much time trying to be equal to the singers of rock, then began to plan the suicide. I took a riot, drunk me daily, feel contempt for my own life. I was a slave of vices and the rock, trying to be happy, chained by Satanic music.

 I remember two “friends” who also loved the rock, ‘RICARDO E REGINALDO’. They had long hair and dresses in black when left to the “ballads”.


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