back to my room, in the distance I heard cries of desperation and pain.
I am trying to try to get back to my room, my bed, but could not. That was real, and a simple dream, was a revelation for me, because for me there was the fear of God, for this reason that I was going through: “VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH.
” This was happening because I have delivered my life to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because I lived my life in drugs and prostitution, without me import the Lord Jesus who died on the cross to save me. I was in a spiritual world, suffered by the rebels and DESPREZ TO MY LORD JESUS As I agonize, a man with resplendent Nice dress WHITE appear for ME …
THE Chasm inside that deep and dark, not because there was no ray of light, all was darkness and suffering By my side when I saw that man appeared, holding my hand he said: “Do not be afraid YOUNG! I am with YOU, do not panic.
” At that moment I felt a peace that never felt before anywhere. That man was the Lord Jesus!
He took me to a dark place, and walked until I realized that there were several holes and craters in the ground that abyss where walmink . They LEAVE AS OF FIRE AND SMOKE hole in the ground, there was a smell in that place Terrible-frog .
I saw several dark figures coming out of those holes and gaps are hiding in the rocky crater. They were demons, ALI was HELL , and they were running away from that man in white robes was holding in my hands.
When we come to another part of that man showed me where clothes were white men and women, all in chains and asking for help. At that hour I felt a great fear of that place and wanted to leave as soon as possible.
The screams were terrible, and wines of everywhere. That scene