The 3 Degrees Of Witchcraft
The articles I’ve published in the past talk all about reaching the “First Degree” of witchcraft – but it’s very important for you to at least see the other 2 degrees.
The degrees are not “cast in stone” but they are things you should continually aspire to in your chosen path.
I’ve changed these a lot over time, while exploring my own Magick path.
Second Degree
To be able to set sacred space, cast a circle, call in the quarters, and set myself into my ritual space without having to look it up.
To collect and have available to me all the tools I feel the need to use for ritual.
Successfully cast 1 intermediate “love spell” to open the path for love in your life or someone elses. (If you already have love, you can cast one to reinforce the bond between you, or cast one for the love of a friend)
To write and perform my own new moon ritual.
To write and perform my own full moon ritual.
Successfully cast 1 intermediate “money spell” or “success spell”
To draw down the moon, God, or Goddess for ritual.
To complete at least ten hours of community service.
To complete a dedication ritual.
Sucessfully cast 1 intermediate “protection spell” to protect yourself, your loved ones, or even your home.
To keep a magickal journal for a full year.
To make an fill an inventory list of supplies needed for my work.
To pick a branch of my path where I would like to specialize.
To investigate the laws of my state and how they may or may not apply to my religion.
To investigate and learn more fully the history of my path.
To write three devotionals that I can incorporate into my path when applicable.
Third Degree
To live my life with random acts of kindness and service to others.
To become more