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proficient at a method of divination and apply it in the service of counseling others.

To design a method of how I would teach my craft to others who ask me to pass on my knowledge.

Successfully cast 1 advanced “love spell” to open the path for love in your life or someone elses. (If you already have love, you can cast one to reinforce the bond between you, or cast one for the love of a friend)

To celebrate all holidays in a manner appropriate to my path.

To write at least one “crossing over” ceremony for a soul in need.

Successfully cast 1 intermediate “money spell” or “success spell”

To write and perform my own rituals for each and every one of the Sabbats.

To write at least five meditations for use in my devotionals.

To find and connect with my totem animal or spirit and learn to work with them in ritual.

Sucessfully cast 1 advanced “protection spell” to protect yourself, your loved ones, or even your home.

To record at least twenty spells that I have performed with step-by-step instructions, lunar and astrological correspondences, etc.

To keep my temper in the face of negativity from others.

To perform at least thirty full rituals.

To reflect and put into words why I feel I am capable of honoring the title of a spiritual leader in my religion.

To be able to cast a magick circle on the fly without tools.

Don’t be overwhelmed by them. And don’t think you won’t be able to cast successful spells without completing them. You have the power to do Magick at this very moment.

These goals are simply there to keep you motivated, and to increase the power of your Magick. There is no specific “time” where they must all be completed. However, it is always important to have at least one or two that you are working towards.

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