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3. What’s the biggest mistake men make with women and why do you think that is?

There are so many mistakes that men make with women that are shockingly simple to remedy. One of the biggest mistakes men make with women that I’ve seen very consistently over the years is the myth that women don’t like sex as much as men, and that we’re impolite or improper somehow for wanting to get intimate with a woman. This is ridiculous, and any woman who is honest with herself will confirm as much. The reason men, especially American men, hold this belief so strongly is because of the way we’re raised, mostly by women, and the myths that society projects upon us. Unfortunately, these society-bred wives’ tales are contrary to our basic biology.

4. Let’s use a real life example. A typical reader of this blog could find himself at the bar of Nikki Beach Marbella surrounded by beautiful women in Bikini’s. What are some strategies that that could get him talking and partying with these girls rather than sipping his Mojito alone or just with his guy friends?

This is a pretty common situation. Being a wallflower and propping up the bar is no fun. If you’re out with your friends surrounded by women, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be interacting and partying with all of them. Remember, they came there to socialize, not just to be seen. Contrary to what many of us are taught growing up, we’re not ‘bothering’ women by flirting and interacting with them. Women LOVE to flirt. They’ve been doing it since elementary school and are very adept at it.

Try this: interact with EVERYONE. As soon as you go to the bar, greet the doorman and get his name. Ask him how his night is going and

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