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a big part of our bootcamps and workshops. While there are dozens of hours of in-class training, it’s crucial to go out with the coaches and apply the knowledge in real-life situations so that it can be tweaked, perfected and eventually internalized. We take our clients to a variety of venues in whichever city we’re holding the program (usually we have connections to get us into exclusive places, but the occasional dive-bar isn’t out of the question either!) Once there, the students are pushed outside their comfort zones and encouraged to apply their new skillsets, all under the watchful eye of our coaches. This ensures that when the client goes back home, they’ll be able to make real, lasting change in their lives as opposed to merely having a notebook full of useful information collecting dust on the nightstand.

We’ve had so many success stories here at The Art of Charm, such as older clients (oldest client so far is 63 years old) meeting future wives and girlfriends, virgins going home non-virgins, and tons and tons of relationships as a result of our programs. A few extreme cases I remember off the top of my head include one client getting a job offer at Goldman Sachs, one of the most prestigious companies on Wall Street, after meeting a hiring partner during an exercise, and another client who’d never approached a woman at a bar before and ended up going home with two women and enjoying a nice, long night and morning with both of them.

7. I’m sure we can all improve in the area of Social Dynamics, but are there just some people that have “natural confidence” and don’t need coaching? Conversely are there people that you just can’t help?

There are plenty of people who have natural confidence, but

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