Where are the Bats? While it is common knowledge in the ::real world:: as well as in the Scientific one our Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate, however I have also seen a great decline in Bats. Where are are Bats? There is also a great decline seen in our ::other:: Bees here as well, Wasps, Hornets, Carpenter Bees, Mud Dabbers, where are they? Does this mean in the ::bigger:: scheme of things we are really in for troubling times, are these really the ::end days:: While being Pagan I am open to anything, many Pagans do NOT believe that all can or will end for that matter, I do not totally accept anything as concrete, including the entertaining of ::anything is possible:: So is this a forerunner to worse times in our very near future. As I sense a great movement and it is NOT a nice one. The feeling causes innately a great disturbance in my psyche. Is it just me or is it you as well. Do share please, do tell, I check in every day or so and will approve comments when I log in. While I post ::approve:: most comments, those that are totally asinine or offensive to myself and or others are marked as SPAM and you are blocked. Most however are posted. I leave you to ponder what I have asked here in text and Video and hope you will respond with your thoughts, questions, comments, concerns. Blessed Be & Live Free~ Mistress Reba
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Here’s a fascinating one!
While watching the following videos with the screen tilted back a bit do this – quick short stop/starts on the Play button. Do you see the “O waves” or “Sky Waves”? The camera catches them. Video is “Does Orgonite Eliminate Chemtrails”
With Video called “Effects of Orgonite in the Environment:” stop at 0:57, 0:58,…… to 1:09 mins. And have the screen tilted kind of dark. See the “O Waves”? soisnessdotorg
Bees and Bats know when to move.
We have to understand this as a human race.
We are changing the world everyday.
Thank you for this post. The Bee POP is down by 40% here. THAT IS REALLY BAD.
Some people think of Bees as just stinging. It’ll sting so much more when they are gone!
I’m looking into being a Bee Keeper.
Yep, I would love a colony, to pollinate.
Now isn’t that fruitful?
We must respect all life.
Blessed be.
“One wonders if this has anything to do with the 2012 ‘Doomsday’ theories related to the Mayan Calendar ending”
I too wonder the same thing, it frightens me because I have (grand children) and I just saw on CNN the other day where Millions are now dedicated to find out where the Honey Bees are, and why they are disappearing. Personally, I think we will all just ‘disappear’ much sooner that any of us ever expected.
I only heard of this phenomenon today, for some reason – why haven’t I seen it on the news, History and Discovery channel?
I find it very very alarming.
If pollinating insect populations decline significantly, it very likely spells the end of civilization as we know it.
It could actually lead to a worldwide mass extinction on a scale similar to what the dinosaurs experienced.
One wonders if this has anything to do with the 2012 ‘Doomsday’ theories related to the Mayan Calendar ending…
TO davidew4321
Hi Hater, Bye Hater.
The world would be some much better if it were shed of the prejudices and preconceived notions that you, at your ‘supposed’ age know NOTHING about in a literal sense.
I have multi racial grandchildren, I am not prejudice, I am well over twice your age, so don’t tell me about my parents who were born in the late 1800’s
Move on, and actually I do NOT even believe you are black. except perhaps your heart and spirit.
BTW what does this have to do with bees?
Just my insight…I am a black guy and I have always had strange feelings about caucasians. They always want to tan and have to wear sunshades and take melatonin pills and stuff. I also know the sun is getting brighter and move people dying of heatstrokes and skin cancer…it seems nature itself is against people w/o pigment and it makes sense b/c all the atrocities your parents put on our parents it seems nature is going to turn against you any moment now…i don’t know just a thought
ya maybe alians aducted the bees to take them to there world or maybe there just sick of how us humans treat them bug spray to smcking them when we see them in houses they might be so sick of us doing this to them that they commited suicide
this is just a myth i made
I hate to say it but this may mean we are soon doomed
We do not even have changes of seasons like we used to. Bad news huh ‘sighs’
ya its not just america is all over the WORLD OF WICH IS HAPPENING
I read/saw that as well (I thought it was a fungus but) whatever it is after the hives go empty they cannot seen to find any expired ‘bee bodies’ so that is really weird!
If they all disappear, well so do we, scary huh
No bees=no pollination-no food=cessation of mankind!
people are saying the theres like a virus comeing in to honey bees wich are killing them but where do they die
I will have to see what I can find on the bats on the WEB about what you said you read. I have seen an increase in them late LATE Summer. Like they were off season or something.
Cell phones, get this, I can be on one side of my house and sometimes I will be on ROAM and if I make a call it will say I am calling from FLA and I’m in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio.
Something is askew.
Bees, I have only seen like 5 or less of what I call the ‘mean bees’ that come in Early Fall after pop and so on.
I have seen minimal bees, but since I made this video I have seen the bats, it’s like they came VERY late in the year, weird for sure.
Hi.you know,i live in a wierd cell zone,where we have no signal from the front street to the back of our houses.well i see ne bees any where,but when i come home they are dead every where all year long.the bats i saw an article that bats where being seen at the north pole.??
i saw a bat and bees in my yard lol no offencie
Greets Scounts, religion separates people as humans, and all religions/gods may or may not be the same, yet as a human race we are.
It matters not what/which god/dess we may or may not believe in, what does matter is that we believe, and believe in one another and not fight over whose/what god we believe in as long as we have something to believe in, as goodness lies in all, it just is not always displayed.
Namaste ?????? n?m?s?te
Bowing from the god/goodness in me to the god/goodness in you.
Hi. I agree, in this day and age man will go to war with one another for just about anything. There are many religions, but only one true God. He does not use mind control nor fear, and He will gives us truth and freedom through Jesus. This world however is full of fear and what you’ve described, and people are fighting like you say. Thing is, the future is predicted by God, in His word, and we are starting to see the end times of this world. You ask, ‘where are the bats, and bees?’ Seek Him.
Religious beliefs tend to separate the most important things in life including unity. In this case our very survival depends on one of the things we all tend to disagree on most religion.
“If mankind stays at war with one another on every level, at every turn then man stays to busy to open his eyes and mind to see what is really going on around him, this is called mind control, control through fear. We are the only key holders to our own freedoms. Think about it.”
Mistress Reba~
Copyright 2008
Please read Revalations in the Bible.
I know this nu dimension that your speaking of…Im melding into the consciousness of everything..which is not always kewl. I can see where you can loose oneself in this nu dimension.
Continued.. To be truthful I had been described effexor a couple years ago and if you run these types drugs and “nightmares” they are the worst nightmares a person can have, people are actually talking about just how bad they are. This was withdrawl from these drugs, now if these are widely prescribed to both children and adults I could see a self fulfilling prophecy here. I am a bible reader, you might not be, I’m not sure but it talks about “sorceries” which I was informed are “Pharmacueticals
To be honest I have not noticed the bats yet, we actually had two (my daughter actually named). I will keep an eye out. I HAVE noticed “the bees” infact I just posted elsewhere that I planted 15 tomato plants I’ll be lucky to get the 10 tomatos from ALL of them combined. I have seen not ONE bee except a carpenter bee and one yellow jacket. There has been an increase of fleas and moths without a doubt. We have only two rains this summer.
Now I have something to add about the nightmares…
ok chemtrails killing everything on earth this is the NWO ALL BEES BIRDS TREES BATS MUCH MORE THEY WANT 80 TO 90% OF US DEAD WITH ALL OTHER LIFE!!
The problem is pesticides, which have been used over the years: they have a direct toxic effect; but also DTP-based compounds reduce the insects’ auto-immune systems. Bees are sacred to the Ashvins: with their honey whips; they promote male fertility; but they are sacred to the Sun; see The Animal Oracle by Philip Carr ?? a very nice man indeed, and Druid! The only answer ti to buy only organic produce and encourage flowering plants that bees like! insects and bats control insect ‘pests’.