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God can also work through very human and very ordinary ways to ‘bring things together for good’. Providence doesn’t deny that God will work through the prayers and through the lives of those who serve him. It just asserts that where there is no one praying or serving, God is still capable of bringing all things together for good.

This is a great truth, though it can be a little disturbing, as it suggests that we might not be as essential to the plans of God as we might have thought.

You know what I mean? I like to think that the whole spiritual future of Dulwich Hill is entirely dependant on us. I believe that God has called us together in this place, and I believe that God has given us a mission in this area, and that it involves working with people on the periphery of our society, and that it involves building a Christian community that makes no distinctions between black and white people, between rich and poor, between educated and uneducated, between male and female, between righteous and less-than-righteous. I do believe that this is God’s will for us, that it is our calling, and that if we are faithful to God and can open our hearts and our homes to one another, then we will see this happen and God’s will will be done.

And yet, if I read rightly the book of Esther, it would suggest to me that, even if we don’t get our acts together, even if we stuff things up, and close our minds, and close our hearts and close our homes to one another, then God’s will will still be done!

This all seems a bit mysterious, but it is something that is addressed directly in the book of Esther itself. I want to turn to the text of the book of Esther again one more time, for there is a passage

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