secretion of these glands is the psychedelic drug DMT which comes from the pineal gland, corresponding to the brow chakra. In Western cultures, some people have sought spiritual breakthroughs with the use of these chemical aids.
Primarily the level of existence of the chakras is in the spirit and the psyche where it cannot be seen but for those who believe, can be healed and comforted by them. The thought of an unknown energy having any amount of control over their bodies can be a scary concept for some people. For those of us who do believe we can be understanding and patient with those who do not understand.
Janis resides in western Canada, among the mountains where she studies the Buddhist religion and practices reiki healing. Janis loves making Buddhist t-shirts, gifts and apparel to spread the knowledge of enlightenment. All of the images used on the products are hand drawn with high quality graphics and historical accuracy a priority. Visit her website at
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