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not trigger the evolutionary impulse within the psyche of their patients or clients but simply prolong their state of mortality and spiritual ignorance. Their work offers only temporal relief, nothing more. Like orthodox allopathic medicine, they deal with symptoms but do not go to the heart of the matter. It is the case of the blind leading the blind. We have often been warned of false prophets in scriptures.

According to prophecies, before the advent of the second-coming of Christ, the Anti-Christ would first make his appearance. However, this too should not be taken at face value. That Christ is a spiritual principle to be found within man is also true of his adversary, however, in saying this we do not repudiate the possibility of any individual leader embodying the attributes and spirit of the Anti-Christ. We know that there are many fallen-angels that are presently on earth and are set on corrupting and destroying humanity.

In Islam, the Anti-Christ is referred to as Dajjal. He is the deceiver, the liar, the corrupter. Certain people believe that Dajjal is generally, some person that would shortly make his appearance in world affairs; others interpret the beings navigating UFOs as the cursed Dajjal. As Christ is to be found within man, so is Dajjal, the Anti-Christ to be found within. Dajjal is actually the human ego, or the false ego, the lower self, the beast whose number is 666. This mysterious number that has puzzled Christians for centuries actually has its roots in Kabbalism. In the Arabic alphabet, for instance, every letter has its numerical value. This is called the “Neptu Huruf Hijaiyah” by Islamic occultists in Indonesia. The Greek and Hebrew alphabets likewise have similar numbering systems

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