Marxist-inspired scientific dialecticism was of course the CRU’s ‘scientific’ analysis of a warming climate. ClimateGate makes it quite clear that the CRU and the UN along with L Ron Gore, were engaged in a 10 year or more fraud of the grandest possible scale. Literally trillions of dollars in new taxes and welfare distribution with control over the world’s population was being touted as the only resolution to the manufactured crisis. ClimateGate blew up the only dialectical foundation for the cult – and exposed it for the pagan Fascist fraud that it is.
In the age of rationality it is rather remarkable that a Fascist paganism, which is even more absurd in every measure than even Islam or Nazism could have come so close to dominating the world’s political-economy. Green Fascism would be no more kinder, rational or enlightened than Russian Fascism, Mohammedanism or Hitlerism. It is a remarkable commentary that so many millions are so ready to be duped and raped by a cult. The self-loathing human will always be prey to man-created evil theologies.
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