The Cups Court Cards of a Tarot Deck
The Page of Cups takes on the most imaginative and emotional aspects of childhood. This person lives with their feet floating above the ground so that their head can remain firmly in the clouds. If the card represents an event in your tarot reading, the event in question will likely have to do with a child- as in a pregnancy. But it can also be the birth of a relationship or new emotional state.
If the card represents another person or a part of you, it is representative of a romantic. Compassion, gentleness, and imagination define this person. They love peace and can’t always handle conflict. There is bravery under their dreamy fadade. But there is also a moodiness and impracticality that stems from not being connected fully with reality. Under this card, dream big and dare to think the impossible can be possible.
The Knight of Cups does not gallop forward as quickly and boldly as the knights of the other suits. He travels slowly, calmly and with his intuition and emotional self acting as his guide. He is often a messenger of love and opportunity. He can be the bearer of the beginning of a new relationship that bears a warning of not looking at it with too much idealism. If this represents a person, expect them to be a romantic dreamer with a flirtatious side. They will be passionate and goal oriented. They can’t tolerate those who don’t believe in them or their dreams. The Knight emphasizes moderation in dreaming and love.
The Queen of Cups is capable of a great deal of insight. A counselor, healer, psychic and shoulder to lean on all wrapped in one royal package. Her beauty is astonishing and her ability to attract others to her remarkable. She is also a dreamer that can
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