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Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter pagan or Christian? Is Halloween a Pagan Festival? Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas or Valentine day? Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick is our guest on today’s show , Dr Quick was born in the United States of America and accepted Islam in Canada in 1970. He pursued his study of Islam at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia where he graduated and received an Ijaza from the College of Dawah and Islamic Sciences in 1979. He later completed a Masters Degree and a Doctorate in African History at the University of Toronto in Canada. His thesis was an analysis of the early life of Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio, a great West African Scholar, Mujaahid and social activist. Shaykh Abdullah has served as Imam, teacher and counselor in the USA, Canada and the West Indies. For three years he contributed to the religious page of Canadas leading newspaper. He has traveled to over 55 countries on lecture, research and educational tours. Presently he is a Senior Lecturer at The True Dawn Institute (Islamic Training & Development) in Cape Town and a member of the Muslim Judicial Council, Cape Town, South Africa. Shaykh Abdullah is also the Director of the Discover Islam Centre (Cape Town) and Ameer of the Dawah Coordinating Forum of South Africa. Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick’s website: The Topic Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter Pagan or Christian? For more information visit the official Deen Show
Video Rating: 4 / 5

History Channel series “Lost Worlds” features the Pagans of The Orkney Islands. Locations: Tomb of the Eagles and Maeshowe.

43 Responses to The Deen Show: Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter Pagan or Christian?

  • TBSnerd says:

    The better way to put it is that one’s rights end where another’s rights begins

  • Death2Zionists says:

    @TheWICCACHANNEL too bad rome would of been slaughterd by the north….. what did the romans say when they got to scotland…… fuck it lets go home.

  • chris2002Rocklin says:


    The things you name as though distributed across all human randomly, it’s simply inane & childlike.

    Some humans are evil, others are good & most are in between.

    & then what? You expect to have a perfect understanding of the past through history written by whom? You do not even know how to authenticate your own imagination of what you think things were like. Even if your information was perfect, you still only know the smallest fraction about the past.

    You’ve said idiotic things.

  • candlelitdreamz says:

    I enjoy the History Channel and this was a good documentary!

  • Masiakasaurus says:

    Many of the things you just listed are in human nature. Perhaps not the technical things (such as moon landing and condoms) but cannibalism, war, suicide, and homosexuality all have their place in the human world (and some in the animal world). Homosexuality is likely a design of nature to prevent overpopulation (more so than already, anyway, concerning humans), cannibalism is sometimes the only option for survival, and fighting is also an important part of nature and survival.

  • teufelstaub says:

    The interiors remind me of those in the Etruscan tombs.

  • GrandTheftFreedom says:

    why did civilization have t come in and fuck everything up??


    i am thinking that when rome invaided this place and killed them they did this.

  • PaganWarrior100 says:

    Where is part 3?

  • STOPTHEEU says:

    How are

    Condoms, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Cannibalism, War, Moon landing, Radio active, E numbers, additives, Self harm, Homosexuality and Suicide survival?

    If I went back to the Tudor times with so much as a lighter I would be accused of witch craft and slaughtered.

    Cavemen wanted the things I listed?
    Oh come on!
    And you say that my answer was unconvincing?

    What drugs are you on?
    I mean I’ve heard of optimism and assertive thinking but to deny the falters of mankind’s past is just stupidity!

  • adigazgurt says:

    that is the most not convincing answer ive ever heard :S do u think these things are filth?? evreything u said is what a human being is :S… are u human??

    everything u said up there is what makes a person!! its the most important instinct in a human!! THE SURVIVAL INSTINCT!!!

    maybe some things u mentioned are made for some to survive on the dumpness of others

    and am sure that a cave man wished he had those things u are talking about :S but he didnt have the knowledge yet..

  • STOPTHEEU says:

    Toothpaste, Fluoride in tap water, Condoms, Preservatives, GM crops, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs, Clothes, Aftershave, Soap, Cannibalisms, War, Cars, Oil, Petroleum, Electricity, Gas, Moon landing, Radio active, E numbers, additives, Self harm, Homosexuality, Religion, Industry, Politics, Suicide, Science…

    Is this nature?

    Unless part of human nature is technology and stupidity them self then we are the most unnatural species on the planet..

    Sadly what I said is historical fact.
    I am sorry..

  • adigazgurt says:

    this is human nature :S shit is shit even 4000 years ago :S do u think they used to eat their crap?
    whats filth is filth, that never changes :S
    i hope what u say isnt true! u wont know whawt we would be eating 30 years from now :S

  • STOPTHEEU says:

    Oh and by the way if you go far back enough you will start to see people who get executed with the death penalty being cut up and having their body parts sold to spectators.

    What you talk about is what we call civilised today.
    That is our ways.

    What other generations call civilisied has been drasticly diferent.

    Their ways were diferent.

    They may seem barbarik today but it was their norm!

    What they did is what disgusts us.
    What we do is what would disgust them…

  • STOPTHEEU says:

    Bury them yeh..
    But cut them up????

  • adigazgurt says:

    do u know how human smell when they are dead!! they are the most stinkiy creatures !!
    thats why we burry them! who would want to play with dead bodies, come on! unless they werent human anyway…

  • STOPTHEEU says:

    Don’t be so arragont!
    These people lived about 5000 years ago and even thats only an estimate.

    All this is guess work. Your guess doesnt stand up to reason.

    Why are the bodys split up?
    Why are all the skulls put together with egal skulls?

  • adigazgurt says:

    how stupid are they!
    the tombs arent tombs!
    they are hide outs!
    all the youngs were hidden there!
    all killed together :S its not that hard to figure out!

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