Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter pagan or Christian? Is Halloween a Pagan Festival? Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas or Valentine day? Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick is our guest on today’s show , Dr Quick was born in the United States of America and accepted Islam in Canada in 1970. He pursued his study of Islam at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia where he graduated and received an Ijaza from the College of Dawah and Islamic Sciences in 1979. He later completed a Masters Degree and a Doctorate in African History at the University of Toronto in Canada. His thesis was an analysis of the early life of Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio, a great West African Scholar, Mujaahid and social activist. Shaykh Abdullah has served as Imam, teacher and counselor in the USA, Canada and the West Indies. For three years he contributed to the religious page of Canadas leading newspaper. He has traveled to over 55 countries on lecture, research and educational tours. Presently he is a Senior Lecturer at The True Dawn Institute (Islamic Training & Development) in Cape Town and a member of the Muslim Judicial Council, Cape Town, South Africa. Shaykh Abdullah is also the Director of the Discover Islam Centre (Cape Town) and Ameer of the Dawah Coordinating Forum of South Africa. Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick’s website: The Topic Are Holidays like Christmas and Easter Pagan or Christian? For more information visit the official Deen Show
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History Channel series “Lost Worlds” features the Pagans of The Orkney Islands. Locations: Tomb of the Eagles and Maeshowe.
He looks like salafy, a true follower of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The attire, the beard, the lighgt from the face, resembles the likings of Muhammad and a true muslim! Fatahallah 3alaik, barakallah fiyk, mashallah 3alaik!
@kscuteflute Ishtar was Babylonian.
Masha’Allah! Great show! Was eager to know where these celebrations emerged && originated from!
May Allah guide us all to the Right Path. ‘ameen.
lot’s of great info! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m really hope that people gonna watch this.ALLAHUAKHBAR!!
Very informative! Although, I heard another speaker say that the term Easter came from the celebration of the goddess of fertility, Ishtar, in pagan Rome. Constantine, a follower of the pagan religion, decided to adopt the version of Christianity that worshipped Jesus as God because he wanted a way to justify killing his wife and son (since Jesus would supposedly forgive all his sins and he wouldn’t have to do anything else). He then basically merged Christianity with the pagan religion…
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Awesome! Thanks
wow..!! now I know. thank u very much for the info.
nice video
thanks you for uploading it may allah reward sheikh dr.Abdullah Hakim Quick for sharing all this information with us and brother Eddie …….i hope muslims and non-muslims can learn from this and warn other people =]
Great video
Asalam walykum wa rahmatu ALLAhi w abarktuhu
jazakALLAHu kheir for uploading this
very informative, thank you.
thank u for the tips and the value information about holiday’s history djazakoum elah khayre
very smart man..
and interesting info !
thank you.
They were very spiritual people who believed strongly in the idea that their ancestors aided them in day to day life.
Paganism Rising World Wide.
why is he trying to make it sound as if all pagans are canibals? and wtf is they like to be close to the dead physically he’s making us sound evil thats not us at all.
im disgusted
im watching this at 4 am, and this guys freakin me out
That guy freaks me out…
Thanx for sharing this. I found it very interesting and i’m intrigued by it all. Thank you