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could not spell the illness you may be suffering from or the name of the medicine he is prescribing for you?  Some of the articles I have read recently leave me doubting the author’s ability to research their way back home.  How DO they manage to find their office each morning?

A while back I read one of those books written by a “supposedly” successful millionaire entrepreneur.  I hadn’t read very much before I was strongly inclined to throw it into the trash.  But since I had paid for it I decided to reserve judgment until I finished reading it (a painful process at best).  My main question is: If the guy is a millionaire, why did he not invest a few dollars into getting his book proofread?  Did he not realize that his poorly produced volume would reflect on his credibility and, rather than generating sales, would have the opposite effect?  Any third grader could have written it and would probably have done a better job.  I did not find his information either coherent or logical.  If he’s a millionaire, he had to have gotten there by sheer dumb luck because I could find little evidence of intelligent design in his book.

In marketing bad grammar equals bad impressions; bad spelling equals bad impressions and bad impressions equal lost revenue.  If you care so little about the public image you are creating by your own marketing efforts, how can I, the buyer, trust you to sell me a worthwhile product?  Believe me, this affects your bottom line.  I’ve been shopping for decades and I can’t remember ever buying a product that was promoted in such an unprofessional manner.  Invest a little time and effort into proofreading your promotional material.  You may find that it pays big dividends.

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