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The Final Fantasy XI White Mage Explored

White Mages are the wielders of white magic and all other spells that are used and utilized for healing and curing. Their primary strength lies in the power to guard their companions and themselves, both by healing or curing damage and other ailments poison, blindness, and by casting defensive magic protect, and more on them. White mages are the healer job in Final Fantasy XI. A Healer is the character who always keeps the party alive and going, by healing them either in or out of combat.

White Mages are not good with combat in terms of soloing- their offensive spells have a high MP cost compared to the damage they do, and their weapon skills are mediocre compared to other jobs. White mages do, however, have many spells that disable or reduce the effectiveness of the monster they are fighting. With all of these traits under a white mage partying is essential for the character.

The White Mage is the one of the best support jobs as it can heal fellow party members and keep them alive. A party’s strength is increased exponentially when they have a White mage to party with them and support them in battle. It allows them to last longer, gain more XP, gain more items, gain more gil. Although they don’t excel in offense, they play an important role to many players and parties.

White Mage magic is mainly for protection and healing, with some disabling spells as well. Remember that all mages need to learn a spell before they can cast it. Learning a spell demands purchasing the spell scrolls the same to how warriors must buy weapons and then learning to use it to put it into their spell book.

The best race to choose for the white mage is the taru taru because of their high magic statistics 28 MP base. The Hume and the Mithra are also good secondary choices for their relatively high health and good magic skills.

White mages have good defensive skills. They get both shield allowing them to block attacks with their shield and parry allowing them to parry attacks with their weapon. Many players have white mage as their support job because of the useful healing and defensive magic. White mages are limited to clubs, staves and ranged weapons.

The active abilities of the white mage are only benediction and divine seal. Benediction is a starting ability and heals nearby party members with an area affect heal while divine seal is acquired at level 15 and doubles the HP of the next cure spell cast.

For the white mage’s passive abilities, it has the magic defense bonus which it acquires at levels 10, 30 and 50. It also acquires the clear mind ability at level 20 which increases the regeneration rate of of mana. At level 25, the white mage gets the auto regen ability which gives the ability to regenerate its HP automatically over time.

Hunter Crowell is a researcher, marketer, and an avid online gamer, including FFXI and also the creator of Final Fantasy XI Power Leveling, a web page to help players learn about leveling services.

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