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We go back in time to the middle ages where the idea for Halloween is first pitched to a group of enthusiastic villagers who quickly turn it into a binge-drinking, slut-fest. Watch more SuperNews! VIEW more SuperNews! clips & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Playlist here… Visit my *NEW* Blog! The Cunning Pellar Witch Crafter (photos, videos, news feed & witchcraft items) The Corvus families of birds are considered spiritual creatures across many of the worlds mythologies, belief systems & folklores. Often featuring in witchcraft & pagan mythologies.

35 Responses to The First Halloween: SuperNews!

  • IceColdDawg says:

    heath ledger

  • bsl91 says:

    the dudes rite thats st patricks day

  • withthegeeks says:

    pretty sure halloween is from ireland. Erin go Brágh

  • plottotakethemdown says:

    beelzebub=satan and a retarded pun

  • skeletonking1234 says:

    i dont get the beezlebum thing

  • saftydance2 says:

    its post to be scary people curse the halloween costume stores!

  • Regenex says:

    anyone know the name of the song at the end?

  • Hellfire918 says:

    It was started by the Irish Celts

  • MaceGill says:

    “samhain” (sow’-in) is the name of the feast/holiday, not a person.

  • dowhatthouwilt911 says:

    “Girls dressing as sluts” is a fairly recent Halloween fad. I think it caught on within the last 20 years. I’m just reflecting on it, not complaining.

  • MrPenguinfeather says:

    see a real zombie click my name and watch a friends hollaween vid

  • ant3 says:

    lol, thank what happened there for today

  • darthqueen45 says:

    so funny and why is the girl so dumb i’m just saying

  • EliTheBeag says:

    Wow Can I be a slut like a really slutty slut?

  • zthezsleeperz says:

    this is awesome hahaha

  • PierreRaines says:

    This youtube is great, please check out soon this youtube
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    PierreRaines yahoo

  • megaverner says:

    Hmm, the facts are a little bit screwed up, Halloween had originally nothing to do with christianity, and it wasn´t called “All hallows eve” from the beginning, that name was applied by catholics hundreds of years later in an attempt to rid the tradition away.

  • jdkl81 says:

    My understanding was that Oct 31st was the Druid New Year held in honor of Saman their lord of the dead. Obviously Nov 1st All Hallows day is a Christian holiday. All hallows eve=Halloween.

  • jomonster95 says:

    this was based on a true story

  • gogreen577 says:


  • TitaniumToothpaste says:

    mostly becuase of the devil, the goat is said to be a symbol of the devil, hence the goat hooves, an the upside down star, which represents a goat head, and is the symbol of the devil

  • JesusPaid4You says:

    Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah!
    According to God, we are all sinners, and the penalty is eternal death! The good news is that God loves us so much He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins for us. Jesus was crucified and was buried, but God raised Him from the dead. Jesus is YHWH, the Lord God. Confess your sin to God and ask Him for forgiveness. Call upon and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You will be forgiven and will inherit eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ.

  • BryannWho says:

    check out my IPOD TOUCH GIVEAWAY on my channel!!! [pm for lockerz invites]

  • waeman says:

    Why do daemons have goat feet ? – btw this occurs in many western and eastern cultures !

  • xXAkridXx says:


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