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The Fool meets The Tower on his journey through the Major Trumps, learning as he goes. Here he learns how to handle breakdowns, as well as, maybe, how to get from where he is to where he wants to be – in an instant.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Here’s E4M3 (Tower) of Painkiller: Hell Wars for the XBox. Alastor is beaten, and there’s the cutscene for the end of episode 4. Tarot Cards used are Forgiveness (Silver), Replenish (Silver), Iron Will (Gold), Fury (Gold) and Time Bonus (Gold). The unlocked Tarot Card is Divine Intervention (Silver). Each level will be completed with 100% kills and 100% secrets, as well as unlocking the Tarot card. This is a very underrated and increasingly rare game. It feels at home on the XBox, and without the crashes of the PC version.

13 Responses to The Fool meets The Tower – Part 2 of 2

  • yourmagmoor says:

    Where was the engaging music? And what was with all that slowdown?

    Painkiller and its expansions are great games, but I wouldn’t be caught dead playing it on XBox. And before anyone asks, I own a Wii and an XBox360.

    I don’t know what kind of rig you have, but this game never crashed on me or my friends once, even on our older rigs.

  • Lenin2304 says:

    That friend of yours must be pretty gay

  • omfgwtfbbq666 says:

    how can he hate the game? i love it

    i didnt even pick it out, i burn games for my xbox on utorrent and i stumbled across this game and tryed it out and i loved it

    lol 😛

  • elbryan42 says:

    My friend borrowed my XBox version for a couple weeks. He hated it (new age FPS gamers, gotta love/hate em) but he kept forgetting it. I was having Painkiller withdrawl! LOL.

    But I got it back this morning. I feel much better now. 😛

  • omfgwtfbbq666 says:

    i have the xbox version, so mine doesn’t crash 🙂


  • omfgwtfbbq666 says:

    k, thanks man

  • elbryan42 says:

    You have to destroy the statues so he can’t refill himself. The statues can only be destroyed when he’s refilling. A couple rockets do the trick. With cards, even less will take them down. It’s all in the vid.

  • omfgwtfbbq666 says:

    this boss is pissin me off cause i get him to the very last level and i kill him but he goes to the things and refills all of his health

    anyone know how to completely kill him? or get rid of those things that refill him?

  • Hellsing2o2 says:

    I’ve had PK on PC since it came out for it, I can’t remember if it ever crashed, I don’t think it ever did. Same for the EP.

    Nice Painkiller videos. It would be cool if you could post some Half-Life 2 Xbox videos too 🙂

  • dead82 says:

    realy? my painkiller didnt crash mayby 2 or 3 time and i beat the game more then 5 times
    if you want to see some painkiller stuff check my videos
    sure there only photos in them but still check them

  • elbryan42 says:

    Yeah, but this one doesn’t constantly crash to the desktop. 😉

    It took me almost a year to beat it on the PC, because it kept crashing. I still have yet to complete the expansion for the same reason. Dreamcatcher’s tech support is horrible.

  • dead82 says:

    i got painkiller on my p.c so overall this is the same game only this is for the xbox

  • MarioSupersonic says:

    sweet man lol

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