The “Four Keys” To Controlling Black Magic Spells Successfully
The four keys of casting successful Black Magic Spellsblack magic spells are extremely important. In fact, if you are missing just one of them, your odds of success will drop drastically.
They take careful training and a lot of explanation, and are out of the scope of this book. I will quickly touch on 2 of them so you get an idea, but will go over all 4 of them in detail in my Witchcraft Academy In-A-Box.
The first is imagination.
Without using your imagination when performing Magick, it is extremely difficult to send out enough energy to get successful results.
You need to be able to create a vivid image of your mind that creates emotion within you while you are casting a spell. You must also make sure that you are emotionally attached to the image in your mind’s eye.
Just being able to use this first key properly will instantly take your powers to a completely new level. But unfortunately, imagination is a lost art in this day and age.
Television, video games, cell phones, and other gadgets have created an “ADD” world. People no longer have to use their imagination anymore. That is why most people never develop it properly, and why they are out of touch with Magick energy.
Using your imagination to visualize situations that your are emotionally tied to is one of the major secrets to tapping in to the hidden world of Magick.
The second is your will.
Specifically your will is made up of your focus
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