be amazed to observe that it vanishes leaving only subtle matter behind. and if we can still return this subtle matter to its Cause, we shall observe that it disappears, leaving only the Self behind.
This method of Self-purification is what is called the “returning process”. My body will vanish when it becomes pure. Vanish ? Not literally but figuratively which means I will live as if my body were not there. My body wont assert its demands and I wont feel its weight.
This “returning process”, if applied to the mind ( The word Religion is derived from the Latin Relegaire – ” to go back” ) can make it invisible: it wont boss me, drag me hither and thither and I wont feel trapped in it. This process of self- purification will reveal to us ” finer and finer dimensions of our being “, until we reach the finest ” The Self or the
Divine “, or the Ocean of Consciousness.
I am the Silence which is more than sound!
If therewithin Thou lose thee, Thou art found!
The Nameless shoreless Ocean which is “I”
Thou cannot breathe, but in its bosom drowned! ( Tennyson )
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Look at the Oceans of Matter, Mind & Consciousness
As waves what we should do is to look at the Ocean of the Triune Being- Matter, Mind and Consciousness. We, as waves, belong to the Ocean.
The Absolute is like an infinite Ocean. In order to merge in the Absolute we can meditate like this
Above, it is full of me; below, it is full of me; in the middle it is full of me. I am in all beings, and