produced the craft’s beliefs in an attempt to continue the Wiccan religion for his generation’s descendants, Gardner understood “witchcraft” as a mystery tradition that should require a series of initiations to be properly understood and lived. An English national called Raymond Buckland was granted an initiation into the new mystery tradition from Gardner’s own coven, which he named the Isle of Man, and then spread the teachings of witchcraft back to the USA. Wicca gained popularity rapidly in the new world, where a devotional and psychological sea change was in the works.
Since those early days of the craft, a variety of unique permutations of Wiccan-derived paganism have spread widely. Most of these have owed their origin to Gardner’s original students who started their own covens and initiated their own members. Some of the other fashionable forms of Wicca have been started by self-initiated mystics and practitioners who crafted their own systems of nature spirituality that center around the original published materials from Gardner and others. These days several these subsets of Gardnerian religion are practiced in a variety of countries and cultures.
Dallas is an occult enthusiast who investigates the religious systems of the world in hopes of uncovering the ultimate destiny of the human soul. In his expeditions, he frequently needs to find Wiccan shops for things like sigils, divination tools, crystals, and other types of Wiccan witchcraft supplies. He wishes you great joy on your own spiritual voyage!
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