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(c) 2010 Knightingale Entertainment/Spinside Records. Moguai’s remix of ‘Black Magic’ filmed in an ancient German cave. Available from iTunes, Amazon and all major download stores. Filmed and edited by Marlow.

Know what is Black Magic (Sihr/Jadu); its types and cure (see below). This is a lecture by Br. Hussain Al-Zahrani. For cure from Black Magic recite the following Suras/Ayaths: 1:Full, 2:1-5, 2:102, 2:163-164, 2:255, 2:285-286, 3:18-19, 7:54-56, 7:117-122, 10:81-82, 17:82, 17:110-111, 20:69, 23:115-118, 37:1-10, 46:29-32, 55:33-36, 59:21-24, 72:1-15, 112:Full, 113:Full, 114:Full.

40 Responses to The Green Children – Black Magic (Moguai Remix)

  • rajbagh1 says:

    masha allah

  • drpanga says:

    @chrisho87 Salam, why blow in water? Don’t understand the concept of it, Shaikh just said in their practice to deal with Shaitan they do not use water, is that the concept that you are using water? I think without water same is achievable. May Allah keep his Ibad AsSaleheen safe & in His protection and on His path.

  • saqlain001 says:

    hej my name is saqlain and my mother name is ayesha begum i challenge all black magic doing come and do a black magic on me if they can then i leave black magic for ever contact me any how can accept my challenge saira_hassan123@hotm

  • hooly2005 says:

    ???? ???? ????

  • pathaanx says:

    i know

  • usaajan says:

    nic urdu and bakwas containt
    why muslims are still running after magic and all stupid ideas

  • usaajan says:

    going to a peer fakir
    or believing on stupidity are the same.

  • usaajan says:

    you had black magic ??
    o god
    i have yellow and red magic
    yesterday i bought pink magic also
    allahu akbar

  • thefouzan says:

    mashallah ! vry nice urdu !

  • pathaanx says:

    mashallah, nice to a muslim brother had a strong imaan and faith in allah (saw) rather then going to a peer or fakir.

  • 23580578 says:

    bothers please go to google search and type honda 23580578 ,,,,you will get a blog in it jinns details ,,their appearance and powers etc

  • rehan8649 says:

    salamalaikum brother. can you please tell me about istikhara, how ur supposed to do it, and what exactly was the magic done on you for? jazakallah khayr.

  • bittu25 says:

    ???? ??????? ???? ???

  • chrisho87 says:

    ALLAHU AKBAR! We had black magic on us, Allah cured it!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! MANY MANY TIMES. Surah Yasin, recite it, blow in water, drink it many many times during the day until cure is received from ALLAH. I had to do it for about 3 days for the recent attack. Else, Istikhara can also be used to ask Allah for cure or to ask Allah who did it as Allah mentioned to us about our enemies from istikhara! ALLAHU AKBAR!! THE BEST OF HELPERS

  • manilaymanilay says:

    Mashala,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Allhukbr,,jazakalla ya shaikh

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