The Healing Power of Stones : The Healing Power of Herkimer Diamond
PublishedJuly 17, 2010
How the Herkimer diamond can heal you in in thisalternative healing free video. Expert: Jennifer Warr Bio: Jennifer Warr is a Crystals reader. She has incredible knowledge on the different minerals, crystals, and stones and their mystical influence on one’s spiritual development. Filmmaker: Danniel Fishler Video Rating: 4 / 5
16 Responses to The Healing Power of Stones : The Healing Power of Herkimer Diamond
ye dude u know why??
cause u believe that that stone works if some one would take it and throw it away or put it some where else without You noticing it you sleep aswell as u did the night before its just a freaking stone men -.-
if you believe strongly enough in anything it can cure you to a point. like its a good thing to have a will to fight the illness or whatever but if you chose this form of healing over modern medicine i think that would be more closed minded than not believing that a rock can cure you. modern medicine is a wonderful thing and should not be looked down upon
I used to suffer from constant nightmares but since last week after buying African Jade, I have not had one single nightmare. I put the stone at the head of my bed and it has relieved some of my anxiety along with better sleep.
the healing power of stones, and all kinds of earth medicines for that matter, are only accessible to those who are open to them. most people are too wounded to be open to such deep medicine. its like going to the doctor but not believing that he can do anything for you. the good thing is that those of us who heal with stones are facilitating the healing of all beings, not just ourselves. so just continue with the ignorance if thats your destiny this lifetime. we’re praying for you too.
Ignore all those idiotic comments.Herkimers are amazing stones and I enjoy your videos.I have six of them near my computer and love looking at them.All double terminated crystals make good healing stones.I think ‘Parkerlewis63’ could use a lot of healing, and some duct tape on his mouth, plus a dab of crazy glue on his typing finger…Keep up the nice videos.
ye dude u know why??
cause u believe that that stone works if some one would take it and throw it away or put it some where else without You noticing it you sleep aswell as u did the night before its just a freaking stone men -.-
Yes I agree very good vibration.
if you believe strongly enough in anything it can cure you to a point. like its a good thing to have a will to fight the illness or whatever but if you chose this form of healing over modern medicine i think that would be more closed minded than not believing that a rock can cure you. modern medicine is a wonderful thing and should not be looked down upon
your just the most beautiful girl, and person i have seen in a while. you have a strong calming/healing effect about you even through a computer.
??, ???????? ??? ???? – ??? ??????????!
I used to suffer from constant nightmares but since last week after buying African Jade, I have not had one single nightmare. I put the stone at the head of my bed and it has relieved some of my anxiety along with better sleep.
the healing power of stones, and all kinds of earth medicines for that matter, are only accessible to those who are open to them. most people are too wounded to be open to such deep medicine. its like going to the doctor but not believing that he can do anything for you. the good thing is that those of us who heal with stones are facilitating the healing of all beings, not just ourselves. so just continue with the ignorance if thats your destiny this lifetime. we’re praying for you too.
Ignore all those idiotic comments.Herkimers are amazing stones and I enjoy your videos.I have six of them near my computer and love looking at them.All double terminated crystals make good healing stones.I think ‘Parkerlewis63’ could use a lot of healing, and some duct tape on his mouth, plus a dab of crazy glue on his typing finger…Keep up the nice videos.
illuminated by lucipher, fucking monster
Well said…
When I heard “basalt” I was like, “WTF?”
They’re found in dolomite miss mineral “expert”.
I also live in Herkimer.I think she’s done too many drugs.Quartz don’t heal shit!!
I live there.
Nothing’s special about them.
We went on a field trip once in 6th grade to mine them.
…That’s it.
shes cute though
You have no idea what you are talking about people like you lead people the wrong way do your research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sure you’re an “expert representing the mineral kingdom”?
Wouldn’t an expert know that the NY herkimers are not found in basalt?
That’s just one of many dead obvious errors… whatever she’s selling, folks, don’t buy it.
Typical fake healer!