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The Here and Now and Life After Death

Deepak was on the Ellen DeGeneres show on January 7, 2009 and told us all his New Year’s Resolution, or intention for 2009: “To have at least 100,000,000 people join me in taking a vow of nonviolence in thought, speech and action as soon as possible.”

Then I got an email from my brother, sending out this vow to everyone on his email list a few days after I decided to take the Vow, myself!

What lovely synchronicity!

This vow embraces the cessation of all forms negativity, criticism, judgment of other people and also yourself.

So this is what many of us intend to do, starting now.

Deepak’s book, “Life After Death” is an extension of all the books, tapes and lectures he has given over the years: That we are all spiritual beings living out just one of many physical experiences.

I was raised in a home which espoused metaphysical thought. Life after death was a household belief and my family spoke of these matters openly, sometimes long into the night.

We’d sit around the old round table, sipping coffee or tea, sometimes beer, and discuss and enlarge on the great cosmic meaning of life.

Deepak also says in his “Way Of The Wizard” video that we are all healers, shamans and wizards.

Deepak says that Jonas Salk, who discovered the Polio Vaccine, said that Darwinian evolution theory is obsolete.

The next stage, according to Salk, is the evolution of consciousness.

The fight or flight response was appropriate for Cave Dwellers, but now this response is triggered by imaginary fears, stock market crashes, and by what people say to us.

This in turn causes the epidemic of Cancer and Heart Disease.

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