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Wars, the subjugation of people everywhere and ecological disasters have made the human species predators of Planet Earth, says Chopra.

This means we, the human family, are at risk of extinction.

At this time there is an urgent need for our wizard potential to awaken and in a deux ex machina display, save the world for future generations.

What we all seek is ultimately freedom of mind, body and soul.

In the words of Jesus, we truly need to be in the world but not of the world.

In times gone by, others have walked the way of the wizard: Saints, Philosophers and Sages.

But at this time, wizards are waking up. We may be unknowingly in their presence in supermarket lines, as passer-bys in the street, as the people we watch in busy places.

The journey, says Deepak, begins with one question: Who Am I?

Deepak says we are a conglomerate of ambiguities.

We are the divine and the diabolical.

We are the sacred and the profane.

We are the darkness before the glorious light of the new day.

And beyond these polarities and dualities lies pure joy, unbounded possibility.

It is here we find the secrets of the wizard.

Chopra says there are seven components of being on the wizard journey of awakening.

1) Innocence

2) Birth of the egocentric

3) Birth of the achiever

4) Birth of the giver

5) Birth of the seeker

6) Birth of the seer

7) Birth of the spirit

As these steps yield to greater and greater experiences of freedom, we feel a desire to embrace ourselves and each other as timeless. We may give

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